As put dental implants

As put dental implants

As put dental implants installation implantitis the dental implant consists of four successive stages. Planning.
This stage includes the examination by a doctor of the oral cavity and the site of the future implants. Performed x-ray examination.

If necessary, the patient should undergo a General blood and urine tests to assess General health. The doctor also determines the type of implant you want to install. Surgical stage. In this step, you install of the implant. For this local anesthesia is used.

The duration of this procedure is 30-50 minutes. In the mucosa make an incision, then drill a hole in bone tissue and establish intraosseous rod. After inserting the rod, you must wait a period of time, so he stuck to the tissue. Installation of abutment. After the implant has taken root (i.e. there was an osseointegration – the fusion of pin and bone), the doctor makes a new incision in the same place and sets the abutment above the gum line.

 Orthopedic stage. This is the final stage, during which the abutment is attached to the artificial crown or other prosthesis.

 It should be noted that the success of implantation is influenced by the quality of materials, equipment and conditions of operation. Implants can last a long time (lifespan over 10 years), if a person continuously comply with all recommendations of the doctor and the hygiene of the oral cavity.
First of all, a qualified doctor will always ask the patient the presence of diseases